Amelie Poulain
Such a special post for today and my first post for 2019! Mary from Facebook was the SO SOPHIE giveaway winner from October last year. It was s lovely to meet her in person and give her Amelie, her custom art doll! We ended up having so much in common. I even had an article about Mary and her creations stored away in my inspiration folder from 10 years ago!
I really enjoyed creating Amelie and her little gnome. There were so many iconic images to include but in the end I included the windmill to represent the Cafe des 2 Moulins where she worked, the polaroid camera she used to take photos when she was a child and the poster she posted everywhere for Nino to find her!
Amélie (also known as Le Fabuleux Destin d’Amélie Poulain) is one of my favourite films ever and it was so nice to watch it again, several times, in the name of research!!
Amélie is shy and timid with an over active imagination. As a child she loved to take photos with her polaroid camera, observe the clouds and have imaginary friends.
Oftentimes she takes on the role of Zorro, fighting injustice and protecting the weak and is dedicated to performing acts of kindness, always undercover. I love it when she kidnaps her father’s favourite garden gnome and has him photographed all over the world in an attempt to encourage her father to travel. She is in fact, quite mischievous!

It’s the simple things that give her pleasure; like plunging her hand into sacks of grain or cracking crème brûlée with a spoon. Skimming stones on the water in Canal Saint Martin is one of her favourite things to do!
Filakia, Sophie
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