Home Sweet Home
Getting my art dolls ready to go to their new homes! And can you believe it, I have mixed feelings. On the one hand, I feel strange, even sad, to be letting them go, but on the other hand I am so happy that they have found their perfect homes, their home sweet home. I can see the sparkle of excitement in their eyes as they set off for new adventures! And it also means there’s room for me to make more!
These feelings got me curious about whether other artists have similar feelings when they let go of their work. I love this parallelism between making art and having a baby by Michelle Gaugy (art gallery owner, author and art consultant)
”Creating art is like birthing a baby. There is a time of pregnancy, a birth, and sometimes, post-partum depression. And then the baby has to move out into the world. The artists who are committed professionals, who make a living at their art, send their children off into the world with good wishes and few attachments. Although they may have great respect for what they have accomplished, rarely do they see an artwork as anything but another step in what they really value: the process of growth and learning.
And I guess you get used to it after the 35th baby! And I’m ready to grow and learn.

Feeling grateful and blessed!
Filakia, Sophie
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