Love Always

This special Easter trio is inspired by the pastel colours we so often associate with Easter and spring, with bunny rabbits, hens and chicks, and easter eggs, of course! Orthodox Easter, or Pascha (Πάσχα) in Greek, differs most years from the date of Easter in Western Christianity (catholic and protestant Easter), and is usually one week later, like this year. Occasionally it may be four or five weeks later and some years it coincides with Western Easter. This is because in Western Christianity, the date of Easter is based on the Gregorian calendar and can fall between March 22 and April 25 whereas the Eastern Christian tradition bases its calculations of Orthodox Easter on the Julian calendar, which differs from the Gregorian calendar by 13 days.

Palm Sunday marked the beginning of the Holy Week with Easter to be celebrated this year on Sunday 8th April. It is quite an emotional week with a multitude of feelings: sadness, mourning, hope and exultation, together with a myriad of customs and traditions. Rejoicing and jubilation and a time for for renewal and awakening. Easter is undoubtedly one of the most, if not, the most significant holiday for Christians across the world. The occasional event of Easter is blessed with love, positivity and hope about life.






But regardless of customs and traditions, different ways of celebrating, different dates, I like to believe that the true message of easter, transcends easter, and should be honoured and celebrated each and every day; infinite love for mankind, a love that continues into eternity, not only between god and man but a universal love that should unite mankind, whatever religion, whatever belief, whatever colour.

Happy Easter and Love always,












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